Pet Stop® of Northern Illinois not only wants to keep your pets safely and effectively contained, but also to keep your pets happy and stress-free! That’s why we use Pet Stop®’s unique dog fence training method, Gentlesteps™. It`s a modern, fair, respectful approach to introducing your dog to their new electronic fence boundaries.
Yes, even old dogs can learn new tricks. After 13 years of old school training, Dave Kerf prefers to teach using GentleSteps™. We strongly believe that our pets are family. Thus, fair training makes more sense than old school corrective strategies. Whereas old school training relies on more shock and less teaching, Gentlesteps™ is an incremental method of training. It gives your dog the opportunity to understand what must be avoided, before the use of avoidance levels of correction. When trained properly, most dogs will respond to the audible beep before making a correction!
GentleSteps™ trained pets are happier and learn faster.
GentleSteps™ provides greater peace of mind.